Meeting Date

May 2, 2023 meeting notes of the Emerald Ash Borer Subcommittee of the Land Use Management Planning (LUMP) committee of the Oregon Country Fair.


Kevin Hillery, Steve Wisnovsky, Glenn Johnson, Paxton, Jon Silvermoon, Robert Albano, Anne Rogers, and Dennis Todd; Staff: Site manager Sierra McComas.

Approval of Minutes

We approved Feb, March, April meeting minutes. These are posted to the EAB website.


The ash have started leafing out, the oaks are typically behind and just barely breaking bud. Dennis noted the oaks may be late this year.

Debrief on site walk with the Fixed Assets Committee

Kevin and Jon S. attended the site walk with the FAC. In attendance were Lisa Parker and Sandra Bauer (board members) and other members of the committee including Hilary Anthony (treasurer) and 10-12 folks total. They were focused on getting a feel for the scale of the issue at hand, the site walk was key to their full understanding. They talked about funding, need to scale up to the problem at hand.

Engaging with OCF Board, Other Committees

We discussed how others at OCF concerned with EAB could use more updates from our group. Regular updates and engagement will help folks understand what we’re up to and how they can plug in, etc. -We planned out a couple of site walks: 1) meet at Main Camp at noon on Sunday, June 4, and 2) immediately after the June 25 board meeting. -We discussed doing a “standing verbal report” to the board each meeting, and for now decided to have Kevin do a brief update to the board in June. Paxton and Jon are going to look into whether a standing verbal report will work.

Nursery Development

Kevin brought up the possibility that a commercial nursery might meet our needs better than a homegrown, on-site OCF nursery. It would be ideal to start working with nurseries before everyone else needs trees, especially non-ash trees that might work on site like Garry/Oregon White Oak and Big Leaf Maple. We discussed reaching out to nearby nurseries to develop a relationship and procurement plans. Steve W mentioned “Balance” nursery in the Loraine area might be a good option.

Other EAB Considerations for OCF Organization


Robert A. said that a pinch point will be the lack of capacity in personnel and equipment to deal with this, if we wait, so better to have planned before hand. Dennis pointed out that there will be several years after EAB arrive before any damage is detectable, and that the first issue will be limbs falling from upper crowns of some trees. Paxton’s recollection from the OSU training was that after EAB initially arrive on site: Year 0-4: little damage or signs Year 5-7: damage apparent Year 8-9: Most timber still salvageable, but after this wood is deteriorating and super dangerous.

Messaging and Education

Draft EAB Response Plan

Update on LIDAR/Tree Inventory

Kevin said that TreePlotter software/phone app is almost ready to go, did some area inventories via paper data sheets but then later tried with the phone app. Now just waiting for more time to coordinate between Kevin and Rosanna Costello to beta test the integration of the work thus far, using phones, data management, etc.


Everyone who can to attend the June site walks, June 4 at noon (Main Camp?) and June 25 post-board meeting (meet at Alice•s fire pit after board meeting). Everyone-circle back during next (post-fair) LUMP meeting to discuss when/how we engage with OCF management re capacity (budget, staff) for dealing with nursery stock procurement and extra staff time that will be required for EAB planning and management over the long term.

New Business

At next meeting on 6/6, discuss: 1) EAB response/request notebook for QM; 2) EAB educational efforts throughout main camp and fair event (who/what/where); 3) Engagement and coordination with other committees, board, etc.

Next Meeting

Next Meeting will be via Zoom Tuesday June 6th at 6pm.