Oregon Country Fair

Land Use Management and Planning Committee (LUMP)

LUMP Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 6:00-8:00 zoom only

Members and guests in attendance

Anna Scott (chair/facilitator)...

Land Acknowledgment

Land Acknowledgment read with an addition from Ann. Attendees reflection on missing Dennis.

Chair Report

Anna motioned to approve the February Agenda and all attendees were in favor. Anna noted that they needed a note taker and that Jain would no longer continue. Paxton suggested an ad in the Fair Family News and that for other email contact lists they could connect with Vanessa.

Board Report

Paxton gave the Board Liaison Report and mentioned that the February Board meeting was mostly about guidelines and that the Sound policy was getting a big overhaul – so stay tuned in for more on that. The Annual Committee report is due March 15th and should include membership and the work plan.

Staff Report

Alexis wasn’t present but sent an email to provide a bit of background on tree planting, including some new concepts in development to get the OCF nursery’s trees into the ground in spring. It’s the first time she has approached the committee with a project and was curious about the paper process. Anna explained that best practices for previous site managers included going through the LUMP Committee to get feedback before sending out announcements of changes that impact crews. Alexis mentioned that they will be focusing on areas for replanting where trees had died or were not thriving. There was also an email from Amy about a Path Planning meeting on Sunday February 18th at 10am at DUGS by the shipping containers where they will check out Alexis’ tree planting work plan. The group discussed whether or not the LUMP manual has been consistently used during these times of questions. Jon questioned tree survival rate and Anna mentioned that in previous years it was too wet in winter and too dry in summer.


The group held a discussion about LUMP EAB subcommittee work and its relevance to the Kirstin Bolton EAB Response Task Force. There are concerns about the sheer amount of downed trees that will have impact on the fair site and who is actually doing the land use management planning.

List of folks invited by Kristin Bolton to an EAB Response Task Force meeting on February 28th.

Subcommittee Reports

Old Business

The group discussed the LUMP manual and making revisions related to fuel load and fire. Some related guidelines might be under safety. The group discussed the benefits and negatives about removing duff from the forest floor. Current Site Crew practices include spreading out piles on the floor, leaving dimensional wood in piles. Ann will send the fuel load measurement process to LUMP and Paxton suggested that duff should be left but that they invite camping crew to better understand their practices.

New Business

Action Items