Oregon Country Fair

Land Use Management and Planning Committee (LUMP)

LUMP Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 - 6:00-8:30 zoom only

(These minutes are a draft until minor reformatting is done.)

Members and guests in attendance

Anna Scott: chair/facilitator, Dean Middleton, Robert Albano, Em Roberts, Glenn Johnson, Paxton Hoag (Board liaison), Ann Rogers, DJ Rogers, Thom Barr, Jon Silvermoon, David Hoffman, Glenn Dolphin, Kilion Haas, Bobbi Jo Newton, Jonathan Pincus, Kevin Hillery, Rick Valley, Steve Wisnovsky, Dov Weinman: scribe.

Land Acknowledgment

Land Acknowledgment read by Em. Reflections include Anna feeling sanguine, Dean, Ann, and David mourning the removal of heritage trees, Jon reflecting on the word WE.

Chair Report

The chair emphasized the need for some additional support from committee members toward completing necessary Committee administrative functions.

Board Report

Paxton expressed concern that the LUMP Committee’s report has not been filed to the Board and the Committee is at risk of being out of compliance. Paxton also emphasized the importance of Committee and staff interactions. Staff Report: None


Subcommittee Reports

Old Business

The Committee discussed the removal of important heritage trees as well as the issue of taking down trees without permission. Committee members cited guideline 41 on Page 20 of the LUMP Manual and while Committee members did not feel that any policies were violated there was expressed interest in more thorough consultation with LUMP Committee members. Jonathan emphasized the importance of Committee members fully understanding the protocols in the Manual. Killian proposed the need to assess risk trees, especially to understand how we will classify trees that may or may not qualify for removal and who is empowered to make those decisions. He mentioned the importance of relationship building and increased communication between arborists and the site manager. Em Roberts suggested that the guidelines about tree removal be updated so that staff members can follow a clear process and so that the proper individuals and committees are consulted. Bobbi Jo suggested we define which folks should be consulted.

Bobbi Jo made a motion that we express our shock that a heritage tree was removed without proper consultation with the OCF site manager, LUMP Committee, and longstanding committees and involved persons as outlined in Guideline 41, page 20, of the 2024 Guidelines. Steve seconded. After discussion, Jonathan expressed a desire to expand the motion to include additional tree removal incidents and also include consultation with Path Planning. After additional discussion, Bobbi Jo withdrew the original motion.

Anna motioned to extend the meeting by 15 minutes for additional conversation. Paxton seconded and the Committee approved.

Anna will look into a hybrid meeting for Tuesday June 11th at 6:00.

Action Items: