Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer dorsal view
Dorsal view of adult with elytra and wings spread.
USDA-APHIS, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive beetle first introduced in the eastern U.S. that has wiped out native ash trees wherever it has spread. It was recently found in Forest Grove, near Portland. By all accounts, containment is not possible after it has become established. We can expect it to reach the southern Willamette Valley within ten years. The impact on our site will be significant.

EAB LUMP subcommittee meeting notes

EAB LUMP notes Feb. 7, 2023

EAB LUMP notes March 7, 2023

EAB LUMP notes April 4, 2023

EAB LUMP notes May 2, 2023

EAB LUMP notes June 6, 2023

EAB LUMP notes October 10, 2023

EAB LUMP Summary August 10, 2023

EAB LUMP subcommittee meeting audio

EAB LUMP audio January 3, 2023

EAB LUMP notes Feb. 7, 2023

EAB LUMP notes March 7, 2023

EAB LUMP notes May 2, 2023

External EAB links

Wikipedia entry

See Oregon Department of Forestry fact sheet for more information.

Oregon Invasive Species Council for more links.

OSU Extension Service video

An OSU Extension Service collection of on-line resources and information

Oregon Department of Agriculture quarantine

An EAB trap and lure

OSU Extension Service--How to Recognize Ash Trees

Ash replacement trees evaluation

Arborist Kevin Hillery's article in the Fair Family News, December 2022

Wood Utilization Options

Oregon Department of Forestry Forest Health Unit

EAB Risk Areas

EAB in Oregon detection map

OSU Extension Service "Forest Foe: How you can help slow the EAB invasion."

US Forest Service introduces CharBoss, a mobile biochar production machine

Oregon State University Extension Alternatives to Ash in Western Oregon: With a Critical Tree Under Threat, These Options Can Help Fill Habitat Niche

The Nature Conservancy and the USFS Don't Move Firewood Campaign